Payment Methods

PAYMENT Buying Through Escrow - Click for Details

Trust is the bedrock of all online shopping transactions. Without secure, fraud-proof payment methods, all online transactions are doomed to failure. In our efforts to allay our customers' reservations and fears about online payment, we employ the services of Escrow.com, an independent U.S.-based service with a spotless track record of ensuring the safety of online money transfers. Escrow.com is your ultimate protection for e-commerce at no extra cost. For further details, please visit www.escrow.com

How Does It Work?

Upon receiving your order through our site, we await payment confirmation from Escrow.com. Once we receive confirmation of payment, we immediately ship your purchase to you. You are allowed to inspect your purchase for 2 days before we gain access to your payment completed through Escrow.com. Please note that once you have checked out of our website, you can add no further items to your current transaction. Once at Escrow.com, you will need to sign up (unless you are already a member), which you can do free of charge. Escrow.com guarantees that it protects the privacy of all its users' personal details.

Step 1: You agree to the terms of online transactions, including a description of your order, sale price and shipping details.

Step 2: Following payment by Check, Money Order, Wire Transfer, or Credit Card (VISA, American Express or Mastercard), Escrow.com will verify your bank information.

Step 3: Once payment verification has been completed, we will mail your order by 24-72 Federal Express global delivery to your mailing address.

Step 4: As a further protection to you, Escrow.com allows you a 2-day inspection period upon your receipt of your purchase before it permits us access to your payment. You may either accept or reject your purchase by referring to your transaction at Escrow.com. If you accept, the transaction is complete.

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